You've done the work to Get on Track.

Don't fall off.
So how do you
Stay on Track

We offer continuing support for our successful grads who wish to maintain their progress.

Replay from a live discussion on the benefits

A peaceful and purposeful path is waiting for you.

  • Align your daily habits with your life visions
  • Progress vs Regress
  • Stay connected to the big picture of Cause and Effect to determine our daily habits.
  • Increased confidence and trust in Self to overcome anxiety and doubt.
  • Access to a greater network of teachers and wellness experts

This program is for graduates only of any customised program with Baxter.

1% daily improvement in your sleep, energy levels and physical health compounds to 33% annually.

Mastering Midlife - Stay on Track

Within the program, you will have access to the following:

  • Weekly Community calls with Baxter and Lee. Call recordings will be published inside SOT facebook group.
  • Whatsapp community group to build support
  •  2x one-one sessions with our Ayurvedia Practitioner
  •  2x one-one sessions with your Yoga Therapist to redesign your personal practice
  • With Baxter+ Premium Access
  •  3x one-one coaching calls with Baxter for 15 mins
  • Retain access to your current modules, plus access to a new set.
    **If you decide not to stay on track with us, you can still access your current modules by signing up for With Baxter+.

Additional services available include:

Referral programme

For every family member or friend you refer to our initial 'Get on Track' 3 month programme, you'll receive one month of Stay on Track for Free.



15% OFF one time payment

$ 3750 One Time
  • $660 savings
  • 9-month access


$ 490 Monthly for 9 months
  • Available in AUS, USD, and CAD
  • 9-month access
  • Easy payments for 9 months

Limited time offer

“I'm about to turn 55 years of age and after nearly five years of practice I feel better than I have since I can't remember when!

 Life still has many challenges, and, I'm actually glad it does 🙂 I can't find words to convey to you the depth of my and my wife’s gratitude”


With Baxter

Baxter is a great believer of practising ancient principles to meet modern challenges, so we can find balance in a world saturated in information, choice and demands.

She has been a committed and educator of wellbeing for over 20 years.


What many people don’t know, is that prior to Yoga, Baxter worked as a chef on luxury private yachts based in the Mediterranean, which then segued into co-leading international food and wine tours.


Her love of food, yoga, the mind all come together when helping to guide people on their path.

Yoga Therapy is a complete mind/body modality that empowers the Individual through improving their physical health, energy levels and mindset to enjoy life with and serve as positive role model within their own family and community. As health is never black and white, we tailor practices for the Individual, and meet you where you are currently at. All facilitators working With Baxter are all qualified, highly skilled and certified with peak local and international associations.