Understand what lies in the way of lightness and clarity, and how to remove those obstacles from your path

In this Mini Video Course, you'll discover how an ancient 'Body-Mind' philosophy remedies our modern Obstacles.


Which obstacles are you entertaining right now?​

Obstacles 1 + 2

In this video, we talk about the first 2 obstacles: Vyadhi/ Physical condition and Styana/ Inertia

Obstacle 3

We move to the third obstacle, "Doubt" - in this video with Baxter and Kim.

Obstacle 4

The 9 Obstacles Series continue with Baxter. The 4th one is on Mindless Action or Speech.​

Obstacle 5

Ready for more? Let’s jump into the next topic -- Sloth!
There's a reason why this is one of the seven deadly sins!

Obstacle 6

Take a deep breath... can you spare a few minutes to watch? This next video is a must-watch as they talk about Impatience.

Obstacle 7

You’ve come this far—time to uncover the next topic, Delusional Grandeur.

Obstacle 8

Don’t stop now. The next lesson is about Lack of Perseverance —this next one’s a game-changer!

Obstacle 9

And your final lesson is..... non acceptance of decline.